bio- & nanotechnology content |
Einen großer Anteil des strategisch angestrebten Nanotechnology content wird über die direkte Beteiligung am Risikokapitalspezialisten 180 Degree Capital Corp. (ehem. Harris & Harris Group, Inc.) realisiert. Über dieses langfristige Investment ist unser e-invest* smart solutions fonds indirekt an folgenden Unternehmen mit dem Schwerpunkt Bio- und Nanotechnologie beteiligt: |
Investment (indirekt*) |
Details |
Anteil** |
high-performance quantum computing systems |
1,56% |
research and discovery for agriculture and utilizing the crop microbiome |
1,43% |
low-power, high-performance memory devices |
1,27% |
coatings that protect electronics against damage from liquids |
1,o2% |
developing a platform to facilitate precision health and medicine |
o,61% |
developing antibody drug conjugates for cancer therapy |
o,61% |
inorganic nanowires and quantum dots for use in LED-backlit devices |
o,54% |
human tissue models for toxicology and drug discovery applications |
o,54% |
software for information transfer amongst healthcare providers and consumers |
o,45% |
multiplatform services and revenue partner for video, internet and communication |
o,4o% |
personalized medicine applications for induced pluripotent stems cells |
o,37% |
rights to Milestone Payments from Acquisition of BioVex Group, Inc. |
o,35% |
providing over-the-road trucking and freight logistics |
o,34% |
developing translational genomics solutions |
o,3o% |
algorithms and software to improve visualization of data |
o,26% |
small molecule inhibitors for treatment of cancer and metabolic diseases |
o,24% |
nano-structured absorbent materials for environmental remediation |
o,23% |
nano-structured absorbent materials for environmental remediation of contaminated water |
o,2o% |
DNA-Programmed Chemistry(TM) for the discovery of new classes of therapeutics |
o,12% |
financial news and proprietary data to consumers and businesses |
o,12% |
novel therapeutics derived from a metagenome-based Natural Product Discovery Platform |
o,1o% |
interest in a company that develops silicon-based optoelectronic products |
o,o7% |
technology to improve human health and productivity |
o,o5% |
therapeutics and diagnostics through functional assaying of single cells |
o,o4% |
developing a platform to analyze and understand the epigenome |
o,o4% |
software for information transfer amongst healthcare providers and consumers |
o,o4% |
developing a data analytics platform for precision medicine |
o,o4% |
identifying and managing emerging biotechnology companies |
o,o2% |
surface chemistry and nano- manufacturing solutions |
o,o2% |
next-generation sensors to measure pH |
o,o1% |
tools for genomic sequence assembly and analysis |
o,o1% |
synthetic carbohydrates for pharmaceutical applications |
o,oo% |
smart platform for LED lighting that enables local intelligence and communication |
o,oo% |
TumorGraft (TM) platform for personalized medicine and drug development |
o,oo% |
identifying and managing emerging agriculture technologies companies |
o,oo% |
solid-state light sources for digital cinema and large-venue projection displays |
o,oo% |
rights to Milestone Payments from Merger & Acquisition of Nextreme Thermal Solutions, Inc. |
o,oo% |
*Investments indirekt über unsere Beteiligung an der 180 Degree Capital Corp. |
>>> letzte Aktualisierung, 22.o8.2o17 | Portfolio News / Transaktionen |
Die 180 Degree Capital Corp. (NASDAQ: TURN) mit Sitz in New York entwickelt seit Jahren erfolgreich ein erstklassiges Portfolio im Bio- und Nanotechnologiesektor. Wir nutzen diese Beteiligung als Investmentvehikel um u.a. auch in private, noch nicht börsengelistete Unternehmen wie z.B. die D-Wave Systems, Inc. (Quantencomputer) investieren zu können. Mehrere große Exits mit namhaften Unternehmen von Amgen bis Zeiss fundamentieren den exzellenten Track Record der 180 Degree Capital Corp.. |
e-invest* |
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