exclusive-investments, e-invest* smart solution Fonds, PORTFOLIO, smart investments & investment strategie









high-performance quantum computing systems, low-power, high-performance memory devices, novel industrial coatings, antibody drug conjugates for cancer therapy, inorganic nanowires and quantum dots for use in LED-backlit devices

bio- & nanotechnology content

Einen großer Anteil des strategisch angestrebten Nanotechnology content wird über die direkte Beteiligung am Risikokapitalspezialisten 180 Degree Capital Corp. (ehem. Harris & Harris Group, Inc.) realisiert. Über dieses langfristige Investment ist unser e-invest* smart solutions fonds indirekt an folgenden Unternehmen mit dem Schwerpunkt Bio- und Nanotechnologie beteiligt:

TheStreet, Lodo Therapeutics Corporation, Black Silicon Holdings, Phylagen, Enumeral Biomedical Holdings, Genome Profiling, Fleet Health Alliance


Investment (indirekt*)



D-Wave Systems, Inc.

high-performance quantum computing systems


AgBiome, LLC

research and discovery for agriculture and utilizing the crop microbiome


Adesto Technologies Corp.

low-power, high-performance memory devices


HZO, Inc.

coatings that protect electronics against damage from liquids


HALE.life Corporation

developing a platform to facilitate precision health and medicine


Mersana Therapeutics, Inc.

developing antibody drug conjugates for cancer therapy


Nanosys, Inc.

inorganic nanowires and quantum dots for use in LED-backlit devices


TARA Biosystems, Inc.

human tissue models for toxicology and drug discovery applications


Essential Health Solutions, Inc.

software for information transfer amongst healthcare providers and consumers


Synacor, Inc.

multiplatform services and revenue partner for video, internet and communication


Orig3n, Inc.

personalized medicine applications for induced pluripotent stems cells


Amgen, Inc.

rights to Milestone Payments from Acquisition of BioVex Group, Inc.


USA Truck, Inc.

providing over-the-road trucking and freight logistics


NGX Bio, Inc.

developing translational genomics solutions


EchoPixel, Inc.

algorithms and software to improve visualization of data


Petra Pharma Corporation

small molecule inhibitors for treatment of cancer and metabolic diseases


ABSMaterials, Inc.

nano-structured absorbent materials for environmental remediation


Produced Water Absorbents, Inc.

nano-structured absorbent materials for environmental remediation of contaminated water


Ensemble Therapeutics Corporation

DNA-Programmed Chemistry(TM) for the discovery of new classes of therapeutics


TheStreet, Inc.

financial news and proprietary data to consumers and businesses


Lodo Therapeutics Corporation

novel therapeutics derived from a metagenome-based Natural Product Discovery Platform


Black Silicon Holdings, Inc.

interest in a company that develops silicon-based optoelectronic products


Phylagen, Inc.

technology to improve human health and productivity


Enumeral Biomedical Holdings, Inc.

therapeutics and diagnostics through functional assaying of single cells


Genome Profiling, LLC

developing a platform to analyze and understand the epigenome


Fleet Health Alliance, LLC

software for information transfer amongst healthcare providers and consumers


Muses Labs, Inc.

developing a data analytics platform for precision medicine


Accelerator IV-New York Corporation

identifying and managing emerging biotechnology companies


Nano Terra, Inc.

surface chemistry and nano- manufacturing solutions


Senova Systems, Inc.

next-generation sensors to measure pH


OpGen, Inc.

tools for genomic sequence assembly and analysis


SynGlyco, Inc.

synthetic carbohydrates for pharmaceutical applications


Xenio Corp.

smart platform for LED lighting that enables local intelligence and communication


Champions Oncology, Inc.

TumorGraft (TM) platform for personalized medicine and drug development


AgTech Accelerator Corporation

identifying and managing emerging agriculture technologies companies


Laser Light Engines, Inc.

solid-state light sources for digital cinema and large-venue projection displays


Laird Technologies, Inc.

rights to Milestone Payments from Merger & Acquisition of Nextreme Thermal Solutions, Inc.


*Investments indirekt über unsere Beteiligung an der 180 Degree Capital Corp.
**Anteil im e-invest* smart solutions fonds Portfolio

>>> letzte Aktualisierung, 22.o8.2o17 | Portfolio News / Transaktionen

Muses Labs, Accelerator IV-New York, Nano Terra, Senova Systems, OpGen, SynGlyco, Xenio Corp., Champions Oncology, AgTech Accelerator, Laser Light Engines, Laird Technologies

Die 180 Degree Capital Corp. (NASDAQ: TURN) mit Sitz in New York entwickelt seit Jahren erfolgreich ein erstklassiges Portfolio im Bio- und Nanotechnologiesektor. Wir nutzen diese Beteiligung als Investmentvehikel um u.a. auch in private, noch nicht börsengelistete Unternehmen wie z.B. die D-Wave Systems, Inc. (Quantencomputer) investieren zu können. Mehrere große Exits mit namhaften Unternehmen von Amgen bis Zeiss fundamentieren den exzellenten Track Record der 180 Degree Capital Corp..

D-Wave Systems, AgBiome, Adesto Technologies Corporation, HZO, HALE.life Corporation, Mersana Therapeutics, Nanosys, TARA Biosystems, Essential Health Solutions







smart solution fonds



exclusive standard



Track Record


WestFach Leipzig





Haas Elektrotechnik


Wein als Investment


Börse Frankfurt


Kunst als Investment



Synacor, Orig3n, Amgen, USA Truck, NGX Bio, EchoPixel, Petra Pharma Corporation, ABSMaterials, Produced Water Absorbents, Ensemble Therapeutics Corporation

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